The shape of business is changing: industrial sectors go through dis-integration and re-integration, large hierarchical firms are replaced with looser networks, new organisational forms – including entrepreneurial start-ups, project-based and temporary organizations – emerge.

Similarly, the nature of work is changing: self-employment, flexible distanced working and multiple job-holding are leading the way to new meanings and patterns of careers and professions.

Digital technology is the relentless force underlying such changes offering opportunities for new organizational forms of co-production and collaboration, re-defining and redrawing the very nature of industrial sectors’ and organisational boundaries.


The CLIO research team includes researchers – with a variety of disciplinary backgrounds – that use a range of theories and methodologies to study changes across different levels of analysis.


The CLIO research team includes researchers – with a variety of disciplinary backgrounds – that use a range of theories and methodologies to study changes across different levels of analysis.