
List of selected recent publications of the research team

  • Alaimo, C., & Kallinikos, J. (2020). Managing by data: Algorithmic categories and organizing. Organization Studies, doi:10.1177/0170840620934062
  • Balachandran Nair, L. (2020). From ‘whodunnit’ to ‘how’: Detective stories and auditability in qualitative business ethics research. Journal of Business Ethics, doi:10.1007/s10551-020-04479-4
  • Batista, M. D. G., Clegg, S., Cunha, M. P., Giustiniano, L., Rego, A. (2016). Improvising Prescription: Evidence from the Emergency Room. British Journal of Management. 27, 2,406-425. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.12143
  • Cappa, F., Oriani, R., Peruffo, E., & McCarthy, I. (2020). Big Data for Creating and Capturing Value in the Digitalized Environment: Unpacking the Effects of Volume, Variety, and Veracity on Firm Performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(1), 49-67. doi:10.1111/jpim.12545
  • Cappa, F., Oriani, R., Pinelli, M., & De Massis, A. (2019). When does crowdsourcing benefit firm stock market performance?. Research Policy, 48(9), 103825. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2019.103825
  • Ceci, F, Prencipe, A. (2013). Does Distance Hinder Coordination? Identifying and Bridging Boundaries of Offshored Work, Journal of International Management, 19, 4, pp. 324-332.
  • Cramton C, Hinds, P.J. (2014). An Embedded Model of Cultural Adaptation in Global Teams. Organization Science, 25, 4, pp. 1056–1081. doi:10.1287/orsc.2013.0885
  • Cunha, M. P., Giustiniano, L., Rego, A., Clegg, S. (2017). Heaven or Las Vegas: The individual experience of competing institutional logics. European Management Review. doi:10.1111/emre.12156
  • Di Pietro, F., Bogers, M. L., & Prencipe, A. (2021). Organisational barriers and bridges to crowd openness in equity crowdfunding. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 162, doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120388
  • Di Pietro, F., & Butticè, V. (2020). Institutional characteristics and the development of crowdfunding across countries. International Review of Financial Analysis, 71, 101543.
  • Di Pietro, F., Grilli, L., & Masciarelli, F. (2020). Talking about a revolution? Costly and costless signals and the role of innovativeness in equity crowdfunding. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-32.
  • Di Pietro, F., Majchrzak, A., Prencipe, A. (2018). Crowd Equity Investors: An Underutilized Asset for Open Innovation in Startups. California Management Review, 60(2), 43-70 doi:10.1177/0008125617738260
  • Dosi, G., Grazzi, M., Marengo, L., Settepanella, S. (2016). Production theory: accounting for firm heterogeneity and technical change. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 64(4), 875-907. doi:10.1111/joie.12128
  • Ferraro, F., Gurses, K. (2009). Building architectural advantage in the US. Motion picture industry: Lew Wasserman and the Music Corporation of America European Management Review, 6: 233-249. 
  • Giustiniano, L., Cunha, M. P., Clegg, S. (2016). Organizational Zemblanity. European Management Journal. 34, 1, 7-21. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2015.12.001
  • Guiso, L., Pistaferri, L., & Schivardi, F. (2021). Learning entrepreneurship from other entrepreneurs?. Journal of Labor Economics, 39(1), 135-191. doi:10.1086/708445
  • Gospel, H. (2015). Varieties of Training, Qualifications, and Skills in Long-term Care: A German, Japanese, and UK Comparison, Human Resource Management, 54, 5, 1-18.
  • Gospel, H, Pendleton, A.,  and Vitols, S. (2011). Investment Funds, Corporate Governance, and Labour Outcomes, Corporate Governance International Review, 19, 3, 276-289.
  • Gurses, K., Ozcan, P. (2015). Entrepreneurship in regulated markets: Framing contests and collective action to introduce Pay TV in the US. Academy of Management Journal, 58, 6, 1709-1739.
  • Iacopino, V., Mascia, D., Cicchetti, A. (2018). Professional Networks and The Alignment of Individual Perceptions About Medical Innovation. Health Care Management Review, 43, 2, pp. 92-103.
  • Köhler, T, Cramton, C., Hinds P.J. (2012). The Meeting Genre Across Cultures: Insights From Three German–American Collaborations, Small Group Research 43, 2, pp. 159–185.
  • Laursen, K., Masciarelli, F., Prencipe, A. (2012). Trapped or Spurred by the Home Region? The Effects of Potential Social Capital on Involvement in Foreign Markets for Goods and Technology. Journal of International Business Studies, 43, 9, pp. 783-807. doi:10.1057/jibs.2012.27
  • Lee, L. W., Dabirian, A., McCarthy, I. P., & Kietzmann, J. (2020). Making sense of text: artificial intelligence-enabled content analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 54(3), 615-644. doi:10.1108/EJM-02-2019-0219
  • Levinthal, D., Marino, A. (2015). Three Facets of Organizational Adaptation: Selection, Variety, and Plasticity, Organization Science. 26, 3, pp. 743–755.
  • Lombardi, S., Vincenzo, C., Giustiniano, L., & Cipollini, F. (2019). What money cannot buy: The detrimental effect of rewards on knowledge sharing. European Management Review. doi: 10.1111/emre.12346
  • Marengo, L, (2015). Representation, search and the evolution of routines in problem solving. Industrial and Corporate Change, 24, 951-980. doi:10.1093/icc/dtu023
  • Marino, A., Aversa, P., Mesquita L., Anand J. (2015). Driving performance via exploration in changing environments: Evidence from Formula One Racing Organization Science. 26, 4, pp. 1079–1100.
  • Meliciani, V., Savona, M. (2015). The determinants of regional specialisation in business services: agglomeration economies, vertical linkages and innovation. Journal of Economic Geography, 15, 2, pp. 387-416
  • Rego, A., Cavazotte, F., Cunha, M. P. E., Valverde, C., Meyer, M., & Giustiniano, L. (2020). Gritty leaders promoting employees’ thriving at work. Journal of Management, doi:10.1177/0149206320904765
  • Schivardi, F., Flabbi, L., Macis, M., Moro, A. (2019). Do Female Executives Make a Difference? The Impact of Female Leadership on Gender Gaps and Firm Performance. The Economic Journal, 129(622), 2390–2423, doi:10.1093/ej/uez012
  • Spagnoletti, P., Resca, A., Lee, G. (2015). A Design Theory for Digital Platforms Supporting Online Communities: A Multiple Case Study. Journal of Information Technology, 30, 364–380.
  • Spagnoletti, P., Resca, A., Sæbø, Ø. (2015). Design for social media engagement: Insights from elderly care assistance. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24, 2, 128–145. doi:10.1057/jit.2014.37
  • Tee, R., Gawer, A. (2009). Industry architecture as a determinant of successful platform strategies: a case study of the i-mode mobile Internet service. European Management Review 6, 217–232.
  • Tee, R., Woodard, J. (2016). Architectural Entrepreneurship in Digital Ecosystems, under review at MIS Quarterly.
  • Tee, R., Davies, A., Whyte, J. (2019). Modular designs and integrating practices: Managing collaboration through coordination and cooperation. Research Policy, 48(1), 51-61.
  • Viardot, E., Mccarthy, I. P., & Chen, J. (2021). Standardization in a Digital and Global World: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 68 (1), 11-17
  • Wickert, C., Post, C., Doh, J. P., Prescott, J. E., & Prencipe, A. (2020). Management Research that Makes a Difference: Broadening the Meaning of Impact. Journal of Management Studies, doi:10.1111/joms.12666




Most recent publications of the research team

  • Di Pietro, F., Bogers, M. L., & Prencipe, A. (2021). Organisational barriers and bridges to crowd openness in equity crowdfunding. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 162, doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120388
  • Guiso, L., Pistaferri, L., & Schivardi, F. (2021). Learning entrepreneurship from other entrepreneurs?. Journal of Labor Economics, 39(1), 135-191. doi:10.1086/708445
  • Metallo, C., Ferrara, M., Lazazzara, A., & Za, S. (2021). Digital Transformation and Human Behavior: An Introduction. In Digital Transformation and Human Behavior, Springer, Cham, pp. 1-7.
  • Italiano, G. F., Karczmarz, A., & Parotsidis, N. (2021). Planar Reachability Under Single Vertex or Edge Failures. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 2739-2758. doi:10.1137/1.9781611976465.163
  • Prezioso, G., Ceci, F., & Za, S. (2021). Is This What You Want? Looking for the Appropriate Digital Skills Set. In Digital Transformation and Human Behavior, Springer, Cham, pp. 69-86.
  • Viardot, E., Mccarthy, I. P., & Chen, J. (2021). Standardization in a Digital and Global World: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 68 (1), 11-17
  • Za, S., Ceci, F., Masciarelli, F., & Iaia, L. (2021). Exploring the Effects of Social Value on Social Network Dependence. In Digital Transformation and Human Behavior, Springer, Cham, pp. 117-134.
  • Za, S., Lazazzara, A., Pallud, J., & Agostini, D. (2021). What Foster People to Purchase Further Smart Devices? A Research Proposal. In Digital Transformation and Human Behavior,  Springer, Cham, pp. 191-200.
  • Acuña, V., Grossi, R., Italiano, G. F., Lima, L., Rizzi, R., Sacomoto, G., … & Sinaimeri, B. (2020). On bubble generators in directed graphs. Algorithmica, 82(4), 898-914. doi:10.1007/s00453-019-00619-z
  • Alaimo, C., & Giustiniano, L. (2020). Il pendolo del digitale tra innovazione e continuità. Luiss University Press.
  • Alaimo, C., Kallinikos, J., & Aaltonen, A. (2020). Data and value. In Handbook of Digital Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Alaimo, C., & Kallinikos, J. (2020). Managing by data: Algorithmic categories and organizing. Organization Studies, doi:10.1177/0170840620934062
  • Alaimo, C., Kallinikos, J., & Valderrama, E. (2020). Platforms as service ecosystems: Lessons from social media. Journal of Information Technology, 35(1), 25-48. doi:10.1177/0268396219881462
  • Asseburg, J., Hattke, J., Hensel, D., Homberg, F., & Vogel, R. (2020). The tacit dimension of public sector attraction in multi-incentive settings. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 30(1), 41-59.
  • Asseburg, J., & Homberg, F. (2020). Public service motivation or sector rewards? Two studies on the determinants of sector attraction. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 40(1), 82-111.
  • Baccarella, C. V., Wagner, T. F., Kietzmann, J. H., & McCarthy, I. P. (2020). Averting the rise of the dark side of social media: The role of sensitization and regulation. European Management Journal, 38(1), 3-6.
  • Balachandran Nair, L. (2020). “Mischief unmanaged”: Approaching ethics in qualitative business and management research with Harry Potter. SAGEP Editori.
  • Balachandran Nair, L. (2020). From ‘whodunnit’to ‘how’: Detective stories and auditability in qualitative business ethics research. Journal of Business Ethics, doi:10.1007/s10551-020-04479-4
  • Blelloch, G., & Finocchi, I. (Eds.). (2020). 2020 Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
  • Butticè, V., Di Pietro, F., & Tenca, F. (2020). Is equity crowdfunding always good? Deal structure and the attraction of venture capital investors. Journal of Corporate Finance, 65, 101773.
  • Calluso, C., Pettorruso, M., Tosoni, A., Carenti, M. L., Cannito, L., Martinotti, G., … & Committeri, G. (2020). Cognitive dynamics of intertemporal choice in gambling disorder. Addictive behaviors, 109, 106463.
  • Calluso, C., Zandi, M. A., & Devetag, M. G. (2020). Cognitive Dynamics of Religiosity and Intertemporal Choice Behavior. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51(9), 719-739. doi:10.1177/0022022120947478
  • Cappa, F., Oriani, R., Peruffo, E., & McCarthy, I. (2020). Big Data for Creating and Capturing Value in the Digitalized Environment: Unpacking the Effects of Volume, Variety, and Veracity on Firm Performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(1), 49-67. doi: 10.1111/jpim.12545
  • Cappa, F., Rosso, F., Giustiniano, L., & Porfiri, M. (2020). Nudging and citizen science: The effectiveness of feedback in energy-demand management. Journal of Environmental Management, 269, 110759. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110759
  • Cifalinò, A., Mascia, D., & Vendramini, E. A. (2020). Goal importance, use of performance measures, and knowledge exchange: An empirical study on general practitioners’ performance. Health care management review, 45(2), 117-129. doi: 10.1097/HMR.0000000000000206
  • Costello, J., Homberg, F., Secchi, D. (2020). The public service-motivated volunteer devoting time or effort: a review and research agenda. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Review, 49(5), 989-1014. doi:10.1177/0899764020911200
  • Cristina Oliveira, S., Giustiniano, L., e Cunha, M. P. (2020). “Positive Change” in Responsible Global Leadership: Process and paradox. In: M.E. Mendenhall, M. Žilinskaite˙, G.K. Stahl, R. Clapp-Smith (Eds.), Responsible Global Leadership: Dilemmas, Paradoxes, and Opportunities. Routledge.
  • Daood, A. (2020). La dimensione emotiva del cambiamento. In: Nunziata, E. (Ed.), Governare la trasformazione digitale: Strategia e azione per gestire il cambiamento, Roma, Luiss University Press, pp. 67-75.
  • Daood, A., Calluso, C. & Giustiniano, L. (2020). Unveiling the Dark Side of Business Models: A Novel Framework for Managerial Cognition and Decision-Making. In Sund, K.J., Galavan, R.J. and Bogers, M. (Eds.), Business Models and Cognition (New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition, Vol. 4), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 39-56. doi:10.1108/S2397-521020200000004004
  • Daood, A., Floricel, S., Mascia, D. (2020). Dealing with extreme events in the context of megaprojects. In: F. Cantoni, E. Favari (Eds.), Megaprojects: Multidisciplinarity as the key to successful management, Torino, Giappichelli Editore, pp. 31–35.
  • Daood, A. & Gatti, M. (2020). Taking up the challenge of organizational inclusion: a conceptual framework for including” diverse” individuals within organizations. Studi Organizzativi, 93-117.
  • Daood, A., & Nunziata, E. (2020). Narrare il cambiamento attraverso lo storytelling. In: Nunziata, E. (Ed.), Governare la trasformazione digitale: Strategia e azione per gestire il cambiamento, Roma, Luiss University Press, pp. 77-186.
  • Demetrescu, C., Finocchi, I., Ribichini, A., & Schaerf, M. (2020). On bibliometrics in academic promotions: a case study in computer science and engineering in Italy. Scientometrics, 124(3), 2207-2228. doi:10.1007/s11192-020-03548-9
  • Devetag, M. G., Zazzerini, G., Tuan, N. Q., & Hung, D. Q. (2020). Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies in Vietnam: Evidence from the Bac Ninh Province. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 6(2), 329-346. doi:10.1177/2393957520924987
  • Di Pietro, F. (2020). Crowdfunding for Entrepreneurs: Developing Strategic Advantage Through Entrepreneurial Finance. Routledge.
  • Di Pietro, F., & Butticè, V. (2020). Institutional characteristics and the development of crowdfunding across countries. International Review of Financial Analysis, 71, 101543.
  • Di Pietro, F., Grilli, L., & Masciarelli, F. (2020). Talking about a revolution? Costly and costless signals and the role of innovativeness in equity crowdfunding. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-32.
  • Di Vincenzo, F., Mascia, D., Björk, J., & Magnusson, M. (2020). Attention to ideas! Exploring idea survival in internal crowdsourcing. European Journal of Innovation Management.
  • Dosi, G., Marengo, L., & Nuvolari, A. (2020). Institutions and economic change: some notes on self-organization, power and learning in human organizations. Eurasian Business Review, 10(1), 1-22. doi:10.1007/s40821-019-00132-x
  • Ferreira, C., Hannah, D., McCarthy, I., Pitt, L., & Lord Ferguson, S. (2020). This Place Is Full of It: Towards an Organizational Bullshit Perception Scale. Psychological Reports doi:10.1177/0033294120978162
  • Gibbert, M., Nair, L. B., Weiss, M., & Hoegl, M. (2021). Using outliers for theory building. Organizational Research Methods, 24(1), 172-181.
  • Giustiniano, L., Clegg, S., Cunha, M. P., Rego, A. (2020). Elgar Introduction to Theories of Organizational Resilience. The Elgar Introductions to Management and Organizational Theory series. doi: 10.4337/9781786437044
  • Giustiniano, L., Schneider, A., & Daood, A. (2020). La gestione internazionale del capitale umano. In: M. Caroli (Ed.), Gestione delle imprese internazionali – IV edizione, Milan, McGraw-Hill, pp. 169-183.
  • Gomes, G., Majocchi, A., Alegre, J., & Carmona, L. J. D. M. (2020). The influence of innovation stimulus, facilitating factors and support mechanisms on innovation performance in Brazilian small textile firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 24(4-5), 393-412. doi:10.1504/IJEIM.2020.108252
  • Homberg, F., Secchi, D., & Herath, D. B. (2020). Agent-based modeling as a tool for public management research. In Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration, Management and Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Kazemargi, N., & Spagnoletti, P. (2020). Cloud Sourcing and Paradigm Shift in IT Governance: Evidence from the Financial Sector. In Digital Business Transformation,  Springer, Cham, pp. 47-61.
  • Kazemargi, N., & Spagnoletti, P. (2020). IT Investment Decisions in Industry 4.0: Evidences from SMEs. In Digital Business Transformation, Springer, Cham, pp. 77-92.
  • Kietzmann, J., Lee, L. W., McCarthy, I. P., & Kietzmann, T. C. (2020). Deepfakes: Trick or treat?. Business Horizons, 63(2), 135-146. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2019.11.006
  • Lee, L. W., Dabirian, A., McCarthy, I. P., & Kietzmann, J. (2020). Making sense of text: artificial intelligence-enabled content analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 54(3), 615-644. doi:10.1108/EJM-02-2019-0219
  • Levinthal, D. A., & Marengo, L. (2020). Organizations, ambiguity, and conflict: introduction to the special issue in honor of James G. March. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(1), 81-87. doi:10.1093/icc/dtz066
  • Marengo, L. (2020). How much will the vaccine cost (if ever discovered….). Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 47(3), 511-517. doi:10.1007/s40812-020-00166-7
  • Mascia, D., Iacopino, V., Frisicale, E. M., Iacovelli, A., Boccia, S., & Poscia, A. (2020). The Impact of School and After-School Friendship Networks on Adolescent Vaccination Behavior. Vaccines, 8(1), 55.
  • Mascia, D., Rinninella, E., Pennacchio, N. W., Cerrito, L., & Gasbarrini, A. (2021). It’s how we communicate! Exploring face-to-face versus electronic communication networks in multidisciplinary teams. Health care management review, doi: 10.1097/HMR.0000000000000246
  • McCarthy, I. P., Hannah, D., Pitt, L. F., & McCarthy, J. M. (2020). Confronting indifference toward truth: Dealing with workplace bullshit. Business Horizons, 63(3), 253-263. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2020.01.001
  • Michelacci, C., & Schivardi, F. (2020). Are they all like Bill, Mark, and Steve? The education premium for entrepreneurs. Labour Economics, 67, 101933. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2020.101933
  • Rego, A., Cavazotte, F., Cunha, M. P. E., Valverde, C., Meyer, M., & Giustiniano, L. (2020). Gritty leaders promoting employees’ thriving at work. Journal of Management, doi:10.1177/0149206320904765
  • Robson, K., de Beer, J., & McCarthy, I. P. (2020). Open branding: Managing the unauthorized use of brand-related intellectual property. Business Horizons, 63(6), 773-785. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2020.07.001
  • Schivardi, F., & Schmitz, T. (2020). The IT revolution and southern Europe’s two lost decades. Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(5), 2441-2486. doi:10.1093/jeea/jvz048
  • Schivardi, F., Sette, E., & Tabellini, G. (2020). Identifying the real effects of zombie lending. The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 9(3), 569-592. doi:10.1093/rcfs/cfaa010
  • Sestu, M. C., & Majocchi, A. (2020). Family firms and the choice between wholly owned subsidiaries and joint ventures: A transaction costs perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(2), 211-232. doi:10.1177/1042258718797925
  • Wickert, C., Post, C., Doh, J. P., Prescott, J. E., & Prencipe, A. (2020). Management Research that Makes a Difference: Broadening the Meaning of Impact. Journal of Management Studies, doi:10.1111/joms.12666
  • Di Pietro, F., Spagnoletti, P., Prencipe, A. (2019). Fundraising across digital divide: evidences from charity crowdfunding. In Lazazzara A., Nacamulli R., Rossignoli C., Za S. (Eds.), Organizing in the digital economy. At the interface between social media, human behaviour and inclusion. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90500-6_9
  • Cappa, F., Oriani, R., Pinelli, M., & De Massis, A. (2019). When does crowdsourcing benefit firm stock market performance?. Research Policy, 48(9), 103825. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2019.103825
  • Ceci, F., & Prencipe, A. (2019). Is there a supreme being controlling the universe? Entrepreneurs’ personal beliefs and their impact on network learning. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 38(3), 359-378.
  • Giustiniano, L., Griffith, T. L., Majchrzak, A. (2019). Crowd-Open and Crowd-Based Collaborations: Facilitating the Emergence of Organization Design. In: Sydow, J. and Berends, H. (Eds.), Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views, Emerald, pp. 271-292. doi:10.1108/S0733-558X20190000064017
  • Hennart, J. F., Majocchi, A., & Forlani, E. (2019). The myth of the stay-at-home family firm: How family-managed SMEs can overcome their internationalization limitations. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(5), 758-782. doi:10.1057/s41267-017-0091-y
  • Homberg, F.K.F. (2019). Lessons for Practice – On the Relevance of the study of ‘Disorganization’ for Practitioners. In: Business Plasticity through Disorganization, Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 117-120. doi:10.1108/978-1-78756-211-020191021
  • Homberg, F.K.F., Costello, J. (2019). Public Service Motivation and Civic Engagement: The Role of Pro-social Motivations in Shaping Society. Palgrave. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02453-6
  • Homberg, F., Vogel, R., Weiherl, J. (2019). Public service motivation and continuous organizational change: Taking charge behaviour at police services. Public Administration, 97, 28-47. doi: 10.1111/padm.12354.
  • Marengo, L. (2019). Is this time different? A note on automation and labour in the fourth industrial revolution. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 46(3), 323-331. doi:10.1007/s40812-019-00123-z
  • Schivardi, F., Flabbi, L., Macis, M., Moro, A. (2019). Do Female Executives Make a Difference? The Impact of Female Leadership on Gender Gaps and Firm Performance. The Economic Journal, 129(622), 2390–2423, doi:10.1093/ej/uez012
  • Spagnoletti, P., Kazemargi, N., & Prencipe, A. (2019). To Cloud or not to Cloud. Strategic choices and IT governance in the digital transformation of a University. Luiss University Press.
  • Spagnoletti, P., Me, G., Ceci, F, Prencipe, A. (2019). Securing national e-ID infrastructures: Tor networks as a source of threats. In: Organizing for the Digital World. IT for individuals, communities and societies. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90503-7_9
  • Rocchi P., Za S. (2019). Discussing a Broad Strategy Against Troubled IS/IT Projects. 2019 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON). doi:10.1109/TEMSCON.2019.8813687
  • Lombardi, S., Vincenzo, C., Giustiniano, L., & Cipollini, F. (2019). What money cannot buy: The detrimental effect of rewards on knowledge sharing. European Management Review, 17, 153-170. doi:10.1111/emre.12346
  • Tee, R., Davies, A., Whyte, J. (2019). Modular designs and integrating practices: Managing collaboration through coordination and cooperation. Research Policy, 48(1), 51-61.
  • Calligaris, S., Del Gatto, M., Hassan, F., Ottaviano, G. I., Schivardi, F. (2018). The productivity puzzle and misallocation: an Italian perspective. Economic Policy, 33(96), 635-684. doi:10.1093/epolic/eiy014
  • Asseburg, J., Homberg, F. (2018). Public Service Motivation or Sector Rewards? Two Studies on the Determinants of Sector Attraction. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 1-30. ISSN 0734-371X. doi:10.1177/0734371X18778334.
  • Baden, D., Mcintyre, K., Homberg, F.K.F. (2018). The Impact of Constructive News on Affective and Behavioural Responses. Journalism Studies, 1-20. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2018.1545599.
  • Brunswicker, S., Majchrzak, A., Almirall, E., Tee, R. (2018). Cocreating Value from Open Data: From Incentivizing Developers to Inducing Cocreation in Open Data Innovation Ecosystems. World Scientific Book Chapters, In: World Scientific Reference on Innovation Volume 3: Open Innovation, Ecosystems and Entrepreneurship: Issues and Perspectives (p. 141-162). World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
  • Calluso, C., Saulin, A., Baumgartner, T., Knoch, D. (2018). Distinct patterns of cognitive conflict dynamics in promise keepers and promise breakers. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 939. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00939
  • Cappa, F., Laut, J., Porfiri, M., Giustiniano, L. (2018). Bring them aboard: Rewarding participation in technology-mediated citizen science projects. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 246-257. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2018.08.017
  • Cicchetti, A., Coretti, S., Iacopino, V., Marletta, M. (2018). The Introduction of New Medical Devices in an Era of Economic Constraints. In: Braithwaite J., Mannion R. Matsuyama Y., Shekelle P., Whittaker S., Al-Adawi S. (Eds). Health Care Systems: Future Predictions for Global Care. Taylor & Francis.
  • Cicchetti, A., Iacopino, V., Coretti, S., Fiore, A., Marchetti, M., Sampietro-Colom, L., Kidholm, K., Wasserfallen, J.B., Kahveci, R., Halmesmäki, E., Rosenmöller, M., Wild, C., Kivet, R.A., Fure, B. (2018). Toward a contingency model for Hospital-based health technology assessment: a cross-case analysis from the AdHopHTA Research Project. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 34, 2, pp. 205-211.
  • Crawford, G. S., Pavanini, N., Schivardi, F. (2018). Asymmetric information and imperfect competition in lending markets. American Economic Review, 108(7), 1659-1701. doi:10.1257/aer.20150487
  • Cunha, M. P., Giustiniano, L, Neves, P., Rego, A. (2018). Improvising Agility: Leading and following at the boundary of structure and extemporaneity. In: Learning and Innovation in Hybrid Organizations: Strategic and Organizational Insights, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 231-254.
  • Annosi, M. C., Giustiniano, L., Brunetta, F., Magnusson, M. (2018). The emergence of new organization designs. Evidences from self-managed team-based organizations. In: Learning and Innovation in Hybrid Organizations, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 255-268.
  • Floricel, S., Piperca, S., Tee, R. (2018). Strategies for Managing the Structural and Dynamic Consequences of Project Complexity. Complexity, 2018. doi:10.1155/2018/3190251
  • Giustiniano, L., Cantoni, F. (2018). Between Sponge and Titanium: Designing Micro and Macro Features for the Resilient Organization. In: Learning and Innovation in Hybrid Organizations, Palgrave Macmillan,  pp. 167-190.
  • Giustiniano, L., Brunetta, F. (2018). The organizational side of outsourcing. In Materiality and Managerial Techniques, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 41-55. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-66101-8.
  • Hayes, D. R., Cappa, F. (2018). Open-source intelligence for risk assessment. Business Horizons, 61(5), 689-697. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2018.02.001
  • Hayes, D., Cappa, F., Cardon, J. (2018). A Framework for More Effective Dark Web Marketplace Investigations. Information, 9(8), 186.
  • Hinna, A., Homberg, F.K.F., Ceschel, F. (2018). Anticorruption Reforms and Governance, In Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance Living Edition (p. 1-8). Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-31816-5. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_1984-1.
  • Iacopino, V., Mascia, D., Cicchetti, A. (2018). Professional Networks and The Alignment of Individual Perceptions About Medical Innovation. Health Care Management Review, 43, 2, 92-103. doi:10.1097/hmr.0000000000000132
  • Kalanoski, D., Pinelli, M., Cappa, F. (2018, July). Institutional Quality Differences and The Performance Effect Of M&As on Rival firms. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 14053). Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management.
  • Mascia, D., Giustiniano, L., Di Vincenzo, F. (2018). “I pay with my feet”: The hidden power of freedom of choice in regulated healthcare systems. In: Organizing in the shadow of power: voices from the Italian community of organization studies, Roma, Minerva Bancaria, pp. 131-154.
  • Mascia, D., Iacopino, V., Cicchetti, A. (2018). ‘When the Time Comes’: Exploring Temporal Differences in the Adoption of Medical Innovation. Studi Organizzativi, 2, 62-87.
  • Mascia, D., Pallotti, F., Iacopino, V. (2018). Beyond Competition: Collaboration and Forms of Entrepreneurship in Healthcare Organizations. In: Wilden R., Garbuio M., Angeli F., Mascia D. (Eds). Healthcare Entrepreneurship, London: Routledge.
  • Ungureanu, P., Rietti, D., Giustiniano, L. (2018). How does organizational space help organizations cope with the challenges of ambidexterity and continue to innovate? A space reorganization experiment in a transitioning organization. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 2(1), 38-45.
  • De Simone, S, Giustiniano, L, Pinna, R (2018). Stressed and Demotivated Public Servants… Looking for a (Motivational) Miracle at Paywell Agency. In: Strategic Human Resource Management and Employment Relations, Singapore, Springer Singapore, pp. 235-241.
  • De Simone, S, Pinna, R, Giustiniano, L. (2018). Managing Change and Employee Well-being in an Italian School: Psychosocial Training Intervention as a Possible Solution. In: Strategic Human Resource Management and Employment Relations, Singapore, Springer Singapore, pp. 243-253.
  • Pinelli, M., Cappa, F., Franco, S., Peruffo, E. (2018). Competenze dei fondatori e performance delle start-up: un’analisi empirica. Piccola Impresa/Small Business, (1).
  • Rocchi P. (2018) Discussing a Broad Strategy Against Troubled IS/IT Projects. In: Proc. IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference.
  • Rocchi, P., Resca, A. (2018). The creativity of authors in defining the concept of information – Journal of Documentation, 74(5), 1074-1103. [Reprinted as a book on initiative of Labert Academic Publishing].
  • Rocchi, P., Resca, A. (2018). Searching the Identity of Information Systems: A Study from Interdisciplinary Contexts. In: Smart Working, Living and Organising (IFIP AICT Series). Springer.
  • Tee, R., Woodard, J., Eaton, B. (2018). Managing Nascent Platform Ecosystems: Engaging Stakeholders through Productive Tensions. In: Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 16232). Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management.
  • Waeber, O., Tee, R., Tucci, C. L. (2018). How Modularity Constrains or Enables Innovation. In: Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 16243). Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management.
  • Yang, Y., Secchi, D., Homberg, F.K.F. (2018). Are organisational defensive routines harmful to the relationship between personality and organisational learning?. Journal of Business Research, 85, 155-164. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.12.036.
  • Åberg, C., Kazemargi, N., Bankewitz, M. (2017). Strategists on the Board in a Digital Era. Business and Management Research, 6(2), 40.
  • Brunetta, F., Giustiniano, L., Boccardelli, P. (2017). The institutional understanding of technological innovation: considerations on international R&D networks. In: Technological Innovation Networks (p. 1-17). ISBN: 9781681238586.
  • Calluso, C., Tosoni, A., Fortunato, G., Committeri, G. (2017). Can you change my preferences? Effect of social influence on intertemporal choice behavior. Behavioural brain research, 330, 78-84. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2017.05.001
  • Chen, Q., Eriksson, T., Giustiniano, L. (2017). Leading well pays off: mediating effects and multi-group analysis of strategic performance. Management Decision, 55(2), 400-412. doi:10.1108/MD-06-2016-0401
  • Cicchetti A., Coretti S., Iacopino V., Montilla S., Xoxi E., Pani L. (2017). Post-marketing Italian successful strategies to manage pharmaceutical innovation. In: Braithwaite J., Mannion R. Matsuyama Y., Shekelle P., Whittaker S., Al-Adawi S. (Eds). Health Systems Improvement across the Globe: Success Stories from 60 Countries. Taylor & Francis.
  • Cunha, M.P.., Giustiniano, L., Rego, A., Clegg, S. (2017). Mission impossible? The paradoxes of stretch goal setting. Management Learning, 48(2), 140-157. doi:10.1177/1350507616664289
  • Cunha, M. P., Giustiniano, L., Rego, A., Clegg, S. (2017). Heaven or Las Vegas: The individual experience of competing institutional logics. European Management Review. doi:10.1111/emre.12156
  • Dosi, G., Marengo, L., Paraskevopoulou, E., Valente, M. (2017). A model of cognitive and operational memory of organizations in changing worlds. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(3), 775-806. doi: 10.1093/cje/bew067
  • Ellul, A., Pagano, M., Schivardi, F. (2017). Employment and wage insurance within firms: Worldwide evidence. The Review of Financial Studies, 31(4), 1298-1340. doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhx104
  • Fontana, F., Giustiniano, L. (2017). L’implementazione delle strategie: progettazione organizzativa e gestione del capitale umano. In: Economia e gestione delle imprese, Milano, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 247-294.
  • Gavetti, G., Helfat, C. E., Marengo, L. (2017). Searching, shaping, and the quest for superior performance. Strategy Science, 2(3), 194-209. doi: 10.1287/stsc.2017.0036.
  • Gianotti, L. R., Lobmaier, J. S., Calluso, C., Dahinden, F. M., noch, D. (2017). Theta resting EEG in TPJ/pSTS is associated with individual differences in the feeling of being looked at. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 13(2), 216-223.
  • Giustiniano, L. (2017). Il lato oscuro della “semplificazione” negli studi organizzativi e nei modelli manageriali, in Prospettive in Organizzazione. p. 1-7.
  • Giustiniano, L., Prencipe, A. (2017). La digital transformation di una multi-utility. Tecnologia e persone, fattori chiave dell’esperienza ACEA. Milano: Mind Edizioni (coll. Harvard Business Review Italia). ISBN: 9788869391514.
  • Giustiniano, L., Lombardi, S., Cavaliere, V. (2017). Firm creativity as a product of interpersonal dynamics and contextual influences. In: Sviluppo, sostenibilità e competitività delle aziende Il contributo degli economisti aziendali, Collana AIDEA, pp. 121-139.
  • Herath, D., Costello, J., Homberg, F.K.F. (2017). Team problem solving and motivation under disorganization an agent-based modeling approach. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 23(1/2), 46-65. ISSN 1352-7592. doi: 10.1108/TPM-10-2015-0046.
  • Homberg, F. (2017). Public Sector Work and Happiness: An Exploratory Study. Die Unternehmung, 414-428. ISSN 0042-059X. doi: 10.5771/0042-059X-2017-4-414.
  • Homberg, F.K.F. (2017). Developments in human resource management and organizational behaviour – introduction to the special issue. Evidence-Based HRM, 246-247. ISSN 2049-3983. doi: 10.1108/EBHRM-08-2017-0047.
  • Iacopino, V., Mascia, D., Monti, A., Cicchetti, A. (2017). Professional Networks and the Diffusion of Medical Technologies: An Empirical Study on Robotic Surgery. In Boccardelli, P., Magnusson, M., Annosi, M.C., Brunetta, F. (Eds.). Learning and Innovation in hybrids and “new” organizations, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Iodice, P., Calluso, C., Barca, L., Bertollo, M., Ripari, P., Pezzulo, G. (2017). Fatigue increases the perception of future effort during decision making. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 33, 150-160. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2017.08.013
  • Lombardi, S., Cavaliere, V. F., Giustiniano, L., Cipollini, F. (2017). The Dirty Side of Money: How Extrinsic Incentives Jeopardize Employees’ Cooperation. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2017, No. 1, p. 12574). Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management.
  • Mongelli, L., Versari, P., Giustiniano, L. (2017). Made in Carcere: Scaling a Social Enterprise Business Model. In: Educating Social Entrepreneurs: From Business Plan Formulation to Implementation (p. 203-220). New York, NY: Business Expert Press. ISBN: 978-1-63157-897-7.
  • Spagnoletti, P. (2017). Piattaforme organizzanti, aperte ma non troppo. Prospettive in Organizzazione. ISSN 2465-1753.
  • Tosoni, A., Committeri, G., Calluso, C., Galati, G. (2017). The effect of reward expectation on the time course of perceptual decisions. European journal of neuroscience, 45(9), 1152-1164.
  • Bortolotti, S., Devetag, G., Ortmann, A. (2016). Group incentives or individual incentives? A real-effort weak-link experiment. Journal of Economic Psychology, 56, 60-73. ISSN 0167-4870. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2016.05.004.
  • Cappa, F., Laut, J., Nov, O., Giustiniano, L., Porfiri, M. (2016). Activating social strategies: Face-to-face interaction in technology-mediated citizen science. Journal of environmental management, 182, 374-384.
  • Chelghoum, A, Takeda, S., Wilczek, B., Homberg, F.K.F. (2016). The challenges and future of trade unionism in Algeria: a lost cause?. Employee Relations, 38(3),  351-372. ISSN 0142-5455. doi: 10.1108/ER-11-2014-0135.
  • Delfino, A., Marengo, L., Ploner, M. (2016). I did it your way. An experimental investigation of peer effects in investment choices. Journal of Economic Psychology, 54, 113-123. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2016.03.005.
  • De Simone, S., Cicotto, G., Pinna, R., Giustiniano, L. (2016). Engaging public servants: Public service motivation, work engagement and work-related stress. Management Decision, 54(7), 1569-1594..
  • Devetag, G., Di Guida, S., Polonio, L. (2016). An eye-tracking study of feature-based choice in one-shot games. Experimental Economics, 19(1), 177-201. ISSN 1386-4157. doi: 10.1007/s10683-015-9432-5.
  • Dosi, G., Grazzi, M., Marengo, L., Settepanella, S. (2016). Production theory: accounting for firm heterogeneity and technical change. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 64(4), 875-907. doi: 10.1111/joie.12128
  • Giustiniano, L., Lombardi, S., Cavaliere, V. (2016). How knowledge collecting fosters organizational creativity. Management Decision, 54(6), 1464-1496.
  • Giustiniano, L. (2016). La gestione internazionale del capitale umano. In: Gestione delle imprese internazionali, (p. 257-272). Milano: McGraw-Hill Italia. ISBN: 978-88-386-6898-2.
  • Giustiniano, L., Cunha, M. P., Rego, A. (2016). Le luci del tramonto: i manager e l’ageismo, in Prospettive in Organizzazione.
  • Herath, D, Secchi, D., Homberg, F.K.F. (2016). Simulating the effects of disorganization on goal setting and task performance. In: Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior (p. 63-84). Springer.
  • Homberg, F.K.F., Vogel, R. (2016). Human resource management (HRM) and public service motivation (PSM): Where are we, and where do we go from here?. International Journal of Manpower, 37(5), 746-763. 10.1108/IJM-05-2016-0120.
  • Kazemargi, N. (2016). Supply Network in Open Innovation From Perspective of Social Network. In ICIE 2016 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: ICIE2016 (p. 325). Academic Conferences and publishing limited.
  • Kazemargi, N., Cerruti, C., Appolloni, A. (2016). Adopting open innovation in supply networks. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 15(2-3), 174-190.
  • Macis, M., Schivardi, F. (2016). Exports and wages: Rent sharing, workforce composition, or returns to skills?. Journal of Labor Economics, 34(4), 945-978.
  • Pozzi, A., Schivardi, F. (2016). Demand or productivity: what determines firm growth?. Rand Journal of Economics, 608-630. doi: 10.1111/1756-2171.12142.
  • Pozzi, A., Schivardi, F. (2016). Entry regulation in retail markets, In: Handbook on the economics of retail and distribution. Edward Elgar, pp. 233-249.  doi: 10.4337/9781783477388.00020.
  • Schoeneborn, D., Homberg, F.K.F. (2016). Goffman’s Return to Las Vegas: Studying Corruption as Social Interaction. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(1), 1-18. ISSN 0167-4544. doi: 10.1007/s10551-016-3245-0.
  • Marengo, L., Zeppini, P. (2016). The arrival of the new. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 26(1), 171-194. doi: 10.1007/s00191-015-0438-0.
  • Spagnoletti, P., Metallo, C. (2016). Relazioni collaterali: il governo dei social media nelle organizzazioni. Prospettive in Organizzazione. ISSN 2465-1753.
  • Rocchi, P., Spagnoletti, P., Datta, S. (2016). An Ecological Model for Digital Platforms Maintenance and Evolution. In Organizational Innovation and Change: Managing Information and Technology (p. 263-280). Springer International Publishing Switzerland,. ISBN: 978-3-319-22921-8. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22921-8_21.
  • Vogel, R, Homberg, F.K.F., Gericke, A. (2016). Abusive supervision, public service motivation, and employee deviance: The moderating role of employment sector. Evidence-Based HRM, 214-231. ISSN 2049-3983. doi: 10.1108/EBHRM-08-2015-0034.