
The research center in Leadership, Innovation and Organisation (CLIO) of LUISS University, aims to explore and improve understanding of the dynamics of change – that cut across industries, businesses, and individuals’ career paths – enabled by technological development.

Rigorous and relevance research entails transcending the traditional distinction between base and applied knowledge and focusing on the generation of knowledge as guided by its contexts of application.

CLIO constitutes a forum for academic researchers as well as practitioners and policy makers to exchange
ideas and learn about new developments in the practice of organizing change.

CLIO aims to build theory – i.e. develop and validate new conceptual frameworks and novel methods – and
develop empirical understanding in the following major interrelated areas:

  • Role of leadership and leading individuals – i.e. executives as well as entrepreneurs – to coordinate
    change and innovation,
  • Intra- and inter-organisational dynamics in terms of learning, adaptability, new organisational
    forms, and routine-based behaviour,
  • Digital architectures and platforms and the ensuing digitalization of organisational processes
    including learning,
  • Evolving patterns of the global division of knowledge and labour in and across sectors and the
    associated set of “rules and roles” of existing and new emerging actors–e.g. start-ups and crowds.

Outcomes and reach-out

CLIO intends to contribute to the academic debates through presentations in academic conferences and
publications in top academic journals, organisation of ad hoc workshops as well as convey research
insights to practitioners and policy makers through presentations to practitioner conferences,
publications in crossover journals, and in op-eds and blogs.

CLIO conducts rigorous and relevant research: rigor entails adopting received research methodological approaches; relevance entails addressing research problems faced by managers and policymakers in practice and verifying hypotheses that connect variables within the control of practitioners to outcomes they care about.

Rigorous and relevance research entails transcending the traditional distinction between base and applied knowledge and focusing on the generation of knowledge as guided by its contexts of application.

CLIO intends to forge close collaboration with industrial partners in Italy and internationally by introducing new arrangements of industry-academia relationships such as Professorship-in-Residence (from academia to industry) and Professorship-of-Practice (from industry to academia).