Quantum & AI Lab

At Luiss Quantum & AI Lab we conduct advanced research and innovation on the topics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Quantum Technology with applications related to the development of markets, businesses, and society at large. Established as part of the activities of the Luiss Research Center in Leadership, Innovation and Organization (CLIO), the Lab aims at producing scientific research and AI-driven technological solutions for the topics of interest also using Open Innovation models and external collaborations. The Lab promotes a partnership with the “Fatti di Algos” Association, an independent reality created by Luiss alumni operating in the AI sector and which includes a network of researchers and technicians with high-quality academic and scientific profiles distributed between the United States and Europe that support the development of the core research streams.

The Lab represents an innovation pole for the conception, production, development, and dissemination of solutions and services based on AI, also generating elements of culture and reflection on the technological revolution in progress. 


Research areas




Natural-language processing




Scientific Supervisors:
Antonio Simeone
Riccardo Angelini Rota
Ilaria Iacobucci
Francesca Santoro

Senior Members:
Carlo Malagnino
Matteo Conterno
Allegra Fiore
Simona Tiribelli
Claudio Bruni
Alessandro Gianfelici
Raffaele Mauro
Matteo Papini
Alessio Nulli Gennari
Stefano Grillini
Nicola Bernini
Emanuele Ricco
Niccolò Manfredi Selvaggi
Simon Garruto

Giuseppe Italiano
Roberto Maiolino
Paolo Sironi
Gennaro Olivieri




